We have exciting feedback and connections from UK, Europe, Eastern Europe and other countries like UAE Dubai... in BETT2024, please see our interviews and news highlights.

  1. DJI mini
    • 5GNU app
    • 5GNU ground station
    • 5GNU web broadcast
  2. CLIP
    • transformable drone
    • LED show drone

Hong Kong & Macau

HK 18 districts schools net have 18 district agents

  • to sell this package to the district schools
  • to fulfill the district orders from HQ
  • Benefits (薄利多銷, big STEAM pie)
    • Good profit sharing
    • optional to participate our Victoria Harbor, HK Coliseum, Concerts… shows
    • optional to handle AOPA commercial license training and examination
    • optional to handle 5G enterprise market
    • optional to handle GBA & OBOR (starting UK and Dubai now) market
  • Requirement for 2024
    • 1 set of the package
    • 10 AOPA tutors
    • a school classroom room for 2 hours demo/practice in each month

7.1 AOPA粵港澳大灣區姊妹學校STEM5G航拍升旗比賽

Through 5G drone, HK/MO team can remote control China team’s 5G done for 7.1 flag raising video shots and vice versa.

We will have more ai5G drone STEM competitions like real-time 3D mapping, ai inspection of buildings/fire/road/water pollution…